Appropriate Body Services
Follow the steps below to register with our Appropriate Body
Explore Vantage TSH Appropriate Body Service and costs
Please note that any work undertaken by the Appropriate Body in respect of visiting schools as part of an application for a reduced induction will be charged at an additional visit rate of £175 for a half day.
Register your Early Career Teacher with our Appropriate Body Service
For schools that wish to register for both the Early Career Framework and Appropriate Body Services with us, you should follow the steps on our Early Career Framework Page.
We are listed as an Appropriate Body on the 'Manage training for early career teachers' service as The Vantage Teaching School Hub, North Humber.
For schools wishing to register with us for Appropriate Body Services only, please complete section1 and 2 of our on-boarding form which you can access HERE.
This form provides us with the essential details we need to ensure that you are swiftly on-boarded and receive your link to ECT Manager so that we can register you with the Teacher Regulatory Agency (TRA).
ECT Manager - your online portal to manage Statutory Induction
ECT Manager is an online system that makes it easy for Appropriate Bodies and schools to manage every part of the ECT induction process in one place.
The ECT Manager platform allows you to manage all aspects of how you share information with us (E.G. progress reviews and final assessments) in a paperless way, saving you time, money and contributing to a greener planet.
Once you have completed the form to provide us with the necessary details that we need to set you up on ECT Manager, you will receive a link to access the software and upload details of your ECTs.
Accessing optional Induction Tutor support and training
Vantage Appropriate Body Service will provide optional support and training to ensure that Induction Tutors are well-informed and knowledgable about their role and what to do if an ECT requires additional help and support if they need to get back on track.
Optional Induction Tutor training and support will be updated prior to the start of each year, informed by your feedback on what is most helpful. Additionally, we will include the following:
- ECT Manager orientation and user induction
- Meeting an ECTs statutory entitlements and remaining compliant
- The importance of high quality, evidence informed mentoring to ECT development
- Progress reviewing and making evidence informed interim and final assessment judgements
- Supporting an ECT who is not making expected progress
- Meeting your equality, inclusion and diversity duties and ensuring ECT well-being
- What to consider when making requests for changes in length of statutory induction.
You can register to attend our optional training sessions when they are published by clicking our Course Calendar.
Progress reviews and assessments dates
Schools registered for Appropriate Body Services will receive reminders about dates for submission of progress reviews and interim/final assessments. We will provide support through our optional training modules to ensure that Induction Tutors have confidence and clarity with regards to expectations for submission of reviews/assessments whilst ensuring unnecessary workload is avoided.
The following dates represent the windows to submit progress reviews and assessment returns using the paperless ECT Manager system:
- Progress Review 1 or 3 (term 1 or 4);
- Friday 1 December 2024 to Friday 20 December 2024
- Progress Review 2 or 4 (term 2 or 5);
- Wednesday 5 March 2025 to Friday 28 March 2025
- Formal Assessment, end of year 1 (term 3), or end of year 2 (term 6);
Contact us for advice and support
Appropriate Body Service Lead:
Nicola Tennison -
Appropriate Body Fidelity Checking:
Andrea Tonks -
Telephone - (01482) 851136 ext 1170